Monday, January 25, 2010

Amir is Quite Funny!

So I just found a few other reasons why the world should adore Amir.  His sense of humor is very similar to Forrest... Who is all for a book by Amir?  I sure am!

Okay, okay, let's re-focus: 

I was checking Twitter, and I saw another hysterical Amir quote, this one was from an interview he did for his own site, and he cracked me up...

You should read the interview...

But for you lazy kids, here are the highlights:

When asked "What was different about Baroni and Blackburn?" he resdponded: 

"Baroni wanted to kill me, and Blackburn is a gentleman, however still wanted to kill me."

When asked "Did Blackburn ever have you hurt?" he responded:

"No, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt. Except for the punches. yes those hurt."

When asked "When you were on TUF7 everyone categorized you as a kick boxer, then you submitted nearly all of your opponents and they started saying you’re a submission fighter. Now that you have shown your striking skills against Baroni and Blackburn people are saying you are a Muay Thai guy now? How would you describe yourself?" he responded:

"Kind of a loose cannon. The police chief is always yelling at me for dangerous suspect pursuit car chases, having shootouts in public places, and the yellow pages missing after perp interrogations. But I play by my own rules, nobody else’s. Wait, is that Lethal Weapon?"

When asked "There were a lot of critics and doubters talking about you after the Hendricks fight, now that you have bounced back convincingly against 2 very tough opponents, do you have anything to say to them?" he responded:

"What doubters? Did they say anything mean? I hate it when they say anything mean. Probably they were kidding."

When asked "What are the last 5 songs played on your iPod?" he responded:

"Some Euro techno mixes I like to do cardio to, probably some Tiger Army stuff, Raffi, and Beethoven. But not the Beethoven you’re thinking of, the death metal Beethoven."

So he defends Beethoven, but not Raffi?  hahaha... I love Raffi!!  Hey Amir, I have a Raffi VHS at home that I watch with my 6 year old, wanna come over?  I totally have some Capri Sun in the fridge!! (and vodka in the freezer)

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