Monday, January 25, 2010

Looks like Chael Sonnen needs a hug...

He even looks like a whine-ass...

I mean really, Anderson Silva seems like one of the most respectable, likable fighters out there.  With all of the tool boxes in the UFC right now, he calls out Silva?  REALLY?  What about Brock, or Kos, or Melvin Guillard... How are you going to call him out like this Mister Cranky Pants??  Here is a lovely quote from his interview on MMAWeekly Radio:

"I would imagine, who knows what Anderson's doing. At the end of the day, who cares. If he wants to leave the division, leave the sport, who cares. Beat it, nobody tunes in to watch him anyways, and his little fake 'I don't speak English. You want me to let you in on a secret, Anderson Silva speaks perfect English. He just has such a low amount of respect for you and all the rest of the media that he pretends he doesn't. I've had conversations with Anderson Silva in perfect English, and on top of that he's so boring to listen to that he and his rocket scientist manager, Ed Soares, who is also about as exciting as watching grass grow, have decided that Ed is better on the mic than Anderson, so just let Ed do the talking."

Apparently Chael hasn't talked to me lately, or he would know that I enjoy Anderson Silva, and I care what he's doing.  Um, little known fact:  I am kind of a big deal.

And I have a feeling that Chael is a little jealous... me must not know accents are sexy.  What a silly silly little man...

It would rock my socks if Silva and Sonnen fought and Silva knocked him out... well I'm not gonna lie, I would be okay with a submission too...

1 comment:

  1. Chael is getting a wee bit sassy. My granny always said, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." No way in hell can he handle Silva.
