Monday, February 1, 2010

Tweet Tweet: Efrain Escudero vs. Dan Lauzon at UFC 114... mayhaps.

My world is all a'twitter today!

*Unofficially* on the night where we will see some black on black crime (thank you very much Rampage Jackson) we may also get to see Efrain Escudero vs. Dan Lauzon...

DDuggan21 tweet twit twittered earlier today:
"Just heard from a UFC source: Dan Lauzon's next fight will come at UFC 114 on May 29 against Efrain Escudero #UFC"

Hmmm... this is an interesting match up (if it happens).  Last time we saw these two fellas in the Octagon they were falling mercy to some bad ass BJJ. 

*Stay Tuned*

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