Monday, February 15, 2010

Biting the Hand that Feeds Him: Heath Herring

"I really don't care too much for them, and I don't think they care too much for me (Dana White and the UFC ownership group).... They've got their guys they want to push, guys they want to market. Randy Couture, Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir are the guys they want to push and market. The problem is if you're one of the guys who's not one of their favorites, they want to keep you out of the competition.... I'm trying to make money for myself, feed my family, and these guys are trying to do everything they can to make it impossible for me.... With the way the UFC's pay scale is and as much as it costs me to get ready for a fight, at the end of the day I made like 40 grand.... If I was getting a little more money and it was worth my while I'd get back into fighting. But right now I'm making more in movies. I've got to look out for number one as far as that goes.... These guys are literally making money off our blood, sweat and tears. We don't get any health insurance. If you get hurt training for a fight, you're screwed. It's really kind of crazy.... Dana White's got six Ferraris. Hell, I just want one."

Props to MMA Mania for the quote

He looks so sweet and unassuming in that pic, it's hard to picture him being a whine-ass.  I mean if it was justified I would jump on the whinin' train.  I can whine with the best of them, so he would have a professional on his side.  However, Herring has gone 2-3 in the UFC and his 2 wins came by way of decision.  Boo. 

He likens himself to Randy Couture... um yeah, you're the Texas Crazy Horse, not Captain America (who is 15-7 in the UFC-- 3 subs, 5 dec, and 7 TKOs).  You aren't anywhere near his calibur.  He also compared himself to Frank Mir (11-4 in the UFC-- 7 sub, 1 KO, 1 TKO, 1 des, 1DQ) and Brock Lesnar (3-1 in the UFC--2 TKO, 1 dec).  Are you noticing a pattern here?  I know I am! 

I say he should get to fight his way back up the ranks just like everyone else and prove his legitimacy.  I mean, there really isn't a good excuse for not letting Herring fight.  I mean, Chris Lytle is 6-9 in the UFC and they still let him fight...

I think that after this pissy pants outburst Herring will be getting his walking papers pretty soon.  We have to give him credit though.  At least he didn't pull a Kalib Starnes and dance around the Octagon to get fired...

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