Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bail Me Out: Kevin Randleman

So Kevin Randleman is a pretty funny guy to research.  He is "before my time" (which isn't hard to do because "my time" started around the time of UFC 78 back in September 2007...) but I sure am bummed that I didn't experience his shenanigans in real time.

Let's start off with his Japanese Pro Wrestling name:

The Chocolate Milkshake

Random Pondering: I wonder if he came out to "Ice Ice Baby" ::cue::theme::music::

Now, let's move on to a new level of stupid:
After his loss to Shogun back in 2006 he provided a urine sample to NSAC for drug testing.  Seems pretty normal, right?

...his sample was non-human.  What the hell?!?!  Did he really think that he could get away with providing a non human sample??  Wow.  You can't write fiction this entertaining.  This leads me to wonder did he provide them with a sample of chocolate milkshake??  I mean, that would eliminate the need to label the sample, how many "Chocolate Milkshakes" were fighting that night??  My guess is not too many...

The Stupid Gets Thicker...
So during his year suspension he decided to go party it up, I mean what is a party without a Chocolate Milkshake??

According to MMA Weekly he was arrested just south of Las Vegas for a myriad of things:
DUI, Speeding, Driving Without a Valid License, Intimidating a Public Officer, Malicious Destruction of Public Property, and others.

Oh pishay, there were others... What else could he possibly have done? 

hmmm... I wonder what he has been up to lately??  It seems highly unlikely that he has been a good boy all these years. 

Mental Note: look into this deeper.

Do not proceed if you are skeeved out easily...

It is pretty nasty...

You have been warned.

And on an unrelated note:
He had one of the nastiest staph infections I have ever seen....

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