Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nicknames Uncovered: Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida

Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida

Photo Courtesy of Total Pro Sports

Let me start off by letting you all know that I am a huge fan of Lyoto Machida.  There are, however, two things that I wish Machida would consider in light of his new found superstardom...

1) Stop drinking your piss.  Pretty pretty please.  Morning breath is bad enough as it is, but you really have to add the smell of urine on top of it?  Ugh...

2) Unibrows are not sexy.  I am a fan of hairy men, but some man-scaping is needed badly here.  No amount of adorable can shine through that unibrow.

Now on to the nickname...

I believe that his nickname is a nod to his Japanese heritage.  Dragons are considered signs of wealth and good luck in most Asian cultures.  Dragons are also believed to be shapeshifters... mayhaps without knowing he is trying to incinuate that he is easily able to flow in and out of the many disciplines of MMA... or maybe not.

Now on to the fun part:  My Nickname for Machida...

Several years ago (before I knew much, if anything at all about MMA) I was watching an event with the bf.  I decided (after several glasses of wine) that "Lyoto Machida" was way too hard to say.  In that moment of drunken glory

Little Toyota

was born.

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