Monday, January 11, 2010

My Highly Scientific Predictions Explained...

Okay, so here is the deal with my highly scientific fight predictions:  They aren't highly scientific.
There are some fighters that I have a good knowledge base for, however... the mass majority I don't have enough specific knowledge to make an educated guess as to who will win. 
Soo... I do what every warm blooded woman does... I pick the fighter that gets my blood pumping. The factors that I usually take into consideration are as follows:

*Manliness: To me, a man isn't a man unless he is fuzzy.
*Hotness: Tall, dark, and handsome please... (now when these two conditions collide we get the oober men... like Forrest and Gonzaga! ::picks::drooling::jaw::off::desk::)
*Originality: I have a soft spot in my heart (yeah, let's go with heart, not someplace slightly south of there) for fun fighters.  If you are man enough to wear pink in the ring, have fun hair, or an out-there entrance, you have my vote.  I have to admit, sometimes I pick the underdog just to be contrary...
*Douchieness: Unfortunately, for many fighters this is the deal breaker.  When you are a total tool I can't help but want you to get your tush handed to you (preferably by one of my oober men).
Here is an example:
I felt ambivalent toward Bisbing going in to UFC 83... that is until Charles McCarthy started saying how "average" Bisbing was, and how he had only fought "average" opponents.
 I didn't think that was very nice.
Come to find out, it was a pretty legit statement... but still, it wasn't very nice. 
hahahaha... yeah, yeah, I know, these dudes punch, kick, knee, choke out, and all that stuff, but it's usually done with respect-- right?  ::crosses::fingers::
Wellll... after Bisbing shut McCarthy up and sent him into retirement I was smitten with Bisbing.  His lovely accent had me at "fish and chips.." (hahaha... yeah, I don't know that I have actually heard him say that)
After Bisbing coached TUF and was provoking other fighters, and acting like a spoiled baby I couldn't wait for Hendo to punch him in that trash talking mouth of his...

Moral of the story?

Don't be a douche.

So there you have it, the highly scientific method to my madness...

To add an element of legitimacy to my blog I have invited the often imitated, never duplicated Joshy (yeah, he's an oober man... tall, dark, handsome... and FUZZY!!) Don't let they "y" at the end of his name fool ya, he knows his stuff, to make real predictions based on real facts.


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