Monday, January 11, 2010

Come to Momma...

Woo Hoo!!!  Big news Today!!

According to the NY Daily News  our lovely ::gag::me:: governor is rumored to submit a proposal to make MMA legal in NY for the first time since 1997.  Of course, we have to take into consideration what this man has pushed for in the past... like deposits on bottled water... forcing all of us to buy new license plates for no reason other than to drive revenue into our over-spending, over taxing, greedy state. 

Let's see how this news is received by the general public...

The article that I first read regarding the newest proposal was obviously written by someone who doesn't want MMA legalized in NY.  The article is riddled with loaded clips such as

"Ultimate fighting takes place in steel cages and allows punching, kicking and choke holds. Matches end with knockouts, submission by a fighter or a referee's or doctor's order. "

hmmm... I wonder where the balanced reporting is.  What about a comparison btwn the dangers of boxing vs MMA??  I am officially inspired to do that research for them.  Stay Tuned

"In another revenue-raising scheme..."

Scheme?? Cute.

The article also addressed there being an issue with raising taxes on ciggs... mayhaps we should take a look at the health risks of MMA vs. smoking...

::psh:: Laughable.

I sure do hope this gets pushed through though!  I promise, they would sell out in record time!!!

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