Friday, January 29, 2010

Bucket List: The Herschel Walker Edition.

So here we go continuing the Herschel Walker debacle:

He was quoted by the Miami Herald as saying

``I'm not stepping into this sport, fighting for a belt, `Oh, I want to be heavyweight champion.' No."

Ooooookay.  So I'm guessing you're going against the grain here and getting into MMA to get the piss beat out of you with no title ambitions.  Good Call.

I kinda thought that the whole reason to join a promotion such as Strikeforce was to work to be the champ of your weight class.  Not just to go out and fight.  I mean you can just fight for ha-has at any bar (but I bet instead of a paycheck you would get a fine). 

Go ahead Mr. Walker, check "Participate in a Pro MMA fight" off your bucket list.

Look out figure skating, you're next!!

What a boob.

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