Thursday, February 4, 2010

Yeah Yeah Dude Looks Like a Laaady...Anderson Silva

So I get pretty bored at night, so I watch Lifetime.  Well in the middle of Project Runway they told me I should go to so like the loyal consumer I am, I did.

I got inspired.  They have a little thingy on there were you can make yourself over, so I thought to myself "Self, if they think I need a makeover, maybe I'm not alone." So I decided that I'm not.  I came up with the genious idea that I should make male fighters into women... woo hoo!!

Over the next few weeks I will chronical my hysterical results...

First up is.... ::drumroll:please:: ...

Andrea "Ew, Look it's a Spider" Silva!!!

hahahahaha... B-E-A-U-tiful!!

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