Friday, January 22, 2010

Nicknames Uncovered: Spencer "The King" Fisher

Spencer "The King" Fisher...

Okay, so I am going to assume that he was going for something powerful... majestic...

But maybe, just maybe he was channeling his inner bird.

I suppose kingfishers have some qualities fighters have too:
* They are territorial
*Monogamous (ususally)... um.... okay, so I don't know that all fighters are monogamous or even want to be, but Spencer Fishers wife is a fighter, so she could totally beat the hell out of him if he wasn't. 
*Warriors who saw kingfishers on the way to battle should return home according to superstition.

I know, I know, I make a weak argument, but it is such a silly nickname.  Out of all of the preditorial birds in this world he picked the brightly colored, mild mannered, barely omnivorious bird... the Kingfisher...

Hey Spencer, hindsight is a bitch...

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