Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years Resolution...

In years past I have set silly resolutions for myself.  I have sworn off smoking ( I have always been a non-smoker), I have resolved to stop biting my toenails (ewww... I could never bite my toenails!), I have committed to only consuming fully cooked red meats, I mean I have come up with some pretty silly resolutions.  This year is different.  I have resolved to give myself an outlet which leads us to... ::drumroll::please:: ... THIS BLOG!

I always find that I have so much to say about MMA when I'm watching it, and I really do entertain myself with my commentary, hopefully I can entertain you as well. 

If you have any suggestions for topics, or questions you think I can answer, drop me a line.  I promise, I'm not too good to return emails.

Happy Reading....

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