Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bail Me Out: Junie Browning

Wow, what a tough tough fella...
Nice bannana hammock speed racer, you wouldn't last 2 minutes in Camp Cupcake!

According to ReviewJournal, Mister Drunken Rage himself was arrested back on October 7, 2009 for spazing out after trying to kill himself...

He was being treated in St. Rose Dominican Hospital, Siena campus for a suicide attempt, and he went absolutely bezerk on the nurses attending to him.  He shoved a female nurse, kicked a male nurse, and punched another male nurse.  He was also carrying on and screaming

""Do you know who I am? I will kill you and rape your family" 

What a man...

Browning reportedly took 16 pills of Klonopin, an anti-anxiety drug in an attempt to "harm" himself.

Let's just take a quick look at the side effects of his drug of choice shall we??

According to to the psychiatric side effect are"
"Confusion, depression, amnesia, hallucinations, hysteria, increased libido, insomnia,
psychosis,(the behavior effects are more likely to occur in patients with a history of psychiatric disturbances).
The following paradoxical reactions have been observed: excitability, irritability, aggressive behavior,
agitation, nervousness, hostility, anxiety, sleep disturbances, nightmares and vivid dreams"

You're kidding me, right???  What doctor in his right mind would give this looney toon something that would only amplify his crazy! 

Mayhaps he practices in the same office that Octomom conceived her spawn...  I'm just sayin'

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